Summon A Panther Hearthstone

summon a panther

Power of the Wild (Power of the Wild) Hearthstone

Power of the Wild Set: Classic Type: Spell Class: Druid Rarity: Common Cost: 2 Abilities: Choose One, Summon Tags: Beast-generating Choose One - Give your minions +1/+1; or Summon a 3/2 Panther.Never look a panther
Jungle Panther (Jungle Panther) Hearthstone

Jungle Panther Set: Classic Type: Minion Subtype: Beast Rarity: Common Cost: 3 Attack: 4 Health: 2 Abilities: Stealth StealthStranglethorn is a beautiful place to visit, but you wouldn t want to live there.See this card on
Summon/Wild format (Summon/Wild format) Hearthstone

This page lists all cards with or related to the summon ability available in Wild format. For information on the summon ability itself, and card lists for Standard format, see Summon. Cards with summon edit
Summon (Summon) Hearthstone

For information on summoning minions, see Minion#Summoning. Summon is an ability which summons one or more minions. Distinct from regular summoning, a minion generated by the summon ability does not consume or come from an
Mechwarper (Mechwarper) Hearthstone

Mechwarper Set: Goblins vs Gnomes Type: Minion Subtype: Mech Rarity: Common Cost: 2 Attack: 2 Health: 3 Abilities: Modify cost Tags: Mech-related, Ongoing effect Your Mechs cost (1) less.Mechs that summon mechs? What s next? Donuts
Druid/Wild format (Druid/Wild format) Hearthstone

This page lists all Druid cards available in Wild format. For information on the Druid class, and card lists for Standard format, see Druid. Contents 1 Spells 1.1 Uncollectible 2 Minions 2.1 Uncollectible Spells edit
Feugen (Feugen) Hearthstone

Feugen Set: Naxxramas Type: Minion Rarity: Legendary Cost: 5 Attack: 4 Health: 7 Abilities: Deathrattle, Summon Deathrattle: If Stalagg also died this game, summon Thaddius.Feugen is sad because everyone likes Stalagg better.See this card on
Choose One/Wild format (Choose One/Wild format) Hearthstone

This page lists all cards with or related to Choose One available in Wild format. For information on the Choose One ability itself, and card lists for Standard format, see Choose One. Cards with Choose
Murloc Tidecaller (Murloc Tidecaller) Hearthstone

Murloc Tidecaller Set: Classic Type: Minion Subtype: Murloc Rarity: Rare Cost: 1 Attack: 1 Health: 2 Tags: Murloc-related, Summoning-related, Triggered effect Whenever you summon a Murloc, gain +1 Attack.This guy gets crazy strong at family
Funnel cake (Funnel cake) Hearthstone

"Funnel cakes! Get your funnel cakes here!" References to funnel cakes are a running gag in Hearthstone. The joke originated with the quotes and flavor text of the Refreshment Vendor minion in The Grand Tournament,