Ultimate Orb


Item Changelogs   Item   Changelogs     Contents 1 Version history 2 Update history Version history edit] Version Changes 7.03 Increased gold cost from 2100 to 2150. 6.87 Now builds into Silver Edge. 6.86 Can no
Ultimate Orb
A mystical orb containing the essence of life.
Bought From
Secret Shop The Secret Shops are located near the center of the map. One Secret Shop is in the forests between the top and middle lanes, on the Radiant side. The other is in the forests between
Bonus +10 Strength Strength is the attribute that grants health and health regeneration. For each point of strength a hero gets: 20 Health 0.06 Health regeneration Additionally, strength heroes also get 1 attack damage per strength point. To dota2
+10 Agility Agility is the attribute that grants armor and attack speed. For each point of agility a hero gets: 0.14 (1/7) Armor 1 Attack speed Additionally, agility heroes also get 1 attack damage per agility point. dota2
+10 Intelligence Intelligence is the attribute that grants mana, mana regeneration and spell damage amplification. For each point of intelligence a hero gets: 11 Mana 0.04 Mana regeneration 0.07% Spell damage Additionally, intelligence heroes also get 1 dota2
Disassemble? No
Alert allies? No

The Ultimate Orb is an item Play “Singing trio.” It has been suggested that this article or section be split into multiple new articles. Reason given: The shop should get its own page Discussion to support or oppose the split should be dota2 purchasable at the Secret Shop The Secret Shops are located near the center of the map. One Secret Shop is in the forests between the top and middle lanes, on the Radiant side. The other is in the forests between .

Additional information


Ultimate Orb is a Secret item purchasable from the Secret Shop that gives +10 to all attributes. It is a component of the late game items Linken`s Sphere, Manta Style, Scythe of Vyse, and Eye of Skadi.

Recommended Heroes

Ultimate Orb is only gotten when building for one of its late game upgrades because there are other mid priced items that are more cost efficient such as Drum of Endurance and Mekansm. However these mid priced upgrades have less of an impact late game while Ultimate Orb`s upgrades have excellent late game utilities on top of their inherent attribute gains, making the investment long but sometimes well worth it depending on the upgrade.

Additionally, Ultimate Orb often the only component in those recipes that directly improves survivability from the increase in Strength and because of that, players will sometimes choose to buy the Ultimate Orb first rather than the other components.

Version History

Patch Version Balance Changes
  • Cost increased from 2100 to 2150
  • Removed from the Side Shop
  • Moved Ultimate Orb from the Base to the Secret Shop
  • Reduced price on Ultimate Orb
  • Reduced Ultimate Orb price by 50 gold

WC3 DotA Version

  • Warcraft III DotA - Ultimate Orb